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News from the STEAG Group

Always informed, always up to date: Here we present current topics and projects from STEAG and STEAG Power. Would you like to talk to us about them? Please feel free to contact us.

North Rhine-Westphalia’s Economics Minister speaks at the Essen-based energy company’s General Works Council Conference

Sustainability Report 2023 published // Climate neutrality by 2040 and unilateral

coal phase-out in the current decade

STEAG to cooperate with RWE on industrial and technical apprenticeships

Representatives of the new owner Asterion join the Supervisory Board and Management Board of the Essen-based energy company.

Together with the future owner Asterion, investments in the green business of the future are to increase significantly – in particular in…

STEAG Group presents sustainability report

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Supervisory Board of Essen-based energy company appoints director Dr. Ralf Schiele for a further three years

Essen’s Maria Wächtler School is delighted with a donation of desks from STEAG

Dorsten’s Antoniusschule is delighted with a donation of desks from STEAG

Municipality, State of Brandenburg and STEAG discuss possible realization

Former head of the Thüga group of municipal utilities and former president of BDEW to head the Essen-based energy company’s controlling and…

In Oening, Bavaria, STEAG constructs a new solar farm for the Altmühl-Jura Energiegenossenschaft cooperative on an existing wind farm site

Customers of STEAG Fernwärme GmbH, STEAG Fernwärme Essen GmbH & Co. KG and Fernwärmeversorgung Gelsenkirchen are to receive a one-off payment under…

Agreements with public transport company Saarbahn in place

Power plants Bexbach and Weiher return from grid reserve, power plants Bergkamen and Völklingen-Fenne, who were designated for permanent shutdown,…

First shipment of ammonia imminent to arrive in Hamburg // Talks about follow-up projects underway

Further step toward decarbonization of the Group // Co-owner Aboitiz acquires majority stake in Mindanao power plant

STEAG SENS committed to the energy transition in South East Europe

Gerhard Jochum resigns from the Supervisory Board // Chairmanship back in the hands of the shareholders

Aachen-based STEAG Group company wins contract in the tens of millions

STEAG Fernwärme Essen celebrates completion of the eastern line project

Half-year figures confirm clear upward trend

Berlin-based cleantech start-up supplies software solutions for PV systems

Five STEAG apprentices from the training workshop in Herne pass examinations ahead of schedule with good to excellent grades

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Six apprentices in Saarland pass their examinations ahead of schedule with good to excellent grades

Height rescuers from the Gladbeck Fire Department practice recovering a person from the nacelle of the wind turbine at the Mottbruchhalde pit heap,…

Gladbeck Fire Department conducts exercise for emergencies at Mottbruchhalde pit heap on July 7

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Climate plan for Essen headquarters saves 1,550 metric tons of CO2

Project in the Lake Constance district combines ground-mounted and rooftop PV system with powerful storage system

Proceeds from STEAG trainee fundraising campaign donated to Caritas Essen

“He is excellently suited for this role” // Guntram Pehlke resigns after nine years in office

Joachim Rumstadt resigns // Supervisory Board expresses its thanks for successful cooperation over more than two decades // Dr. Andreas Reichel is new…

After a difficult year in 2020, key figures for 2021 show initial transformation successes

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CFO Dr. Heiko Sanders steps down / CTO Ralf Schmitz takes on additional responsibility for Finance

Transformation of the long-established company now expressed in new Corporate Design

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STEAG and the City of Herne organize COVID vaccination for site personnel

Realignment making rapid progress / Supervisory Board appoints Ralf Schmitz as new STEAG director while Chief Transformation Officer Carsten König…

13 trainees fast-track their apprenticeships and qualify with “B” and “A” grades

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EP Power Europe, a.s. (EPPE), a subsidiary of Energetický a průmyslový holding, a.s. (EPH), and STEAG today announced successful closing of the…

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Völklingen-Fenne CHP plant and Bergkamen power plant to go off line

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No effect on supplies from the site to the Saar district heating network

STEAG applies for final decommissioning of Herne 4 hard coal fired power plant

EPPE strengthens its position in the sustainable business and invests in STEAG Power Minerals

Carsten König newly appointed to the energy company's management board

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Decision made after thorough reassessment of economic viability

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Year in, year out: STEAG trainees donate to a good cause

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New facility with an area of 900 square meters provides optimum learning conditions for trainees in commercial and technical professions

Federal Constitutional Court ruling leaves question of constitutionality of Coal-fired Power Generation Termination Act (KVBG) unanswered

For the closure auction for hard coal fired power plants taking place at the beginning of September, the Essen-based energy company is seeking to have…

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Joachim Rumstadt, Chairman of the Board of Management of STEAG GmbH, is critical of the Coal-fired Power Generation Termination Act

Social responsibility as the basis of corporate success

  • Group profit significantly increased
  • 45 million euros profit transfer to shareholder
  • Green rating achieved
  • CO2 emissions further reduced


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Supervisory Board appoints three new directors for the Essen-based energy company

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Message of hope and inspiration projected onto the stack of STEAG’s power plant in Herne

The Group supports the International Weeks against Racism in March

STEAG trainees present donation to the Ronald McDonald House in Essen

Energy group will train young professionals in modern facilities at its Forellstraße location in Herne from July 2020.

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  • STEAG 2022 transformation program systematically implemented
  • EBIT rises by 60 percent to 197 million euros
  • Consolidated result well in the black…
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STEAG no longer sees any economic prospects for the hard coal-fired generating units 6 and 7 in Lünen. One power plant unit in Völklingen, Saarland,…